I am going to let you all in on a little secret… How I am able to get name brand clothing for my family, toys, books, movies, and misc. items for a small fraction of the store price…
I buy about 90% of our families clothing at Garage/ Rummage Sales. You may have mixed feelings about this….
But I LOVE IT. I love the fact that I can dress my growing family on a small budget in NAME BRAND & high quality Clothes.
I LOVE garage sales.. Have I mentioned that? I’ve been trying to fill in my personal calendar with the dates for several of the local citywide garage sales… but I couldn’t find it ANYWHERE online.. unless you live in the MSP or St.Paul but that doesn’t help us in SW Minnesota, NW Iowa, or SE South Dakota.. Right? #smalltownproblems So I brainstormed this post. I would again like to thank my husband, mom friends (they are THE BEST), and the many local small town newspapers that were able to hook me up with dates. They are AWESOME.
This post is still is a work in progress but here it is..
Below is a list of all of the Citywide& Neighborhood Garage/ Rummage Sales for SW Minnesota, NW Iowa & SE South Dakota if you have a Citywide or Neighborhood date that you would like added to the list, Please leave a comment with the name and date of the sale or send me an email at mommieisntmadeofmoney@gmail.com .
Thanks ~ Racheal
SW Minnesota
Blue Earth- April 22-23
Ceylon- April 15 &16
Edgerton-. April 15 & 16
Fulda- May 13 & 14
Hendricks May 14
Heron Lake- May 11-14
Jackson- April 15-16th
Fairmont (Spring) April 30-May 2nd (Fall) September 3-5
Kinship sale @ Bank Midwest building at the Martin County fairgrounds April 27th-29 8:30 A.M.- 6:30 P.M.
Dutch Auction begins at 9am and runs until 11AM
Lake Crystal May 8 &9
Lakefield (Summer) June 10 & 11 (Fall) August 26th & 27th
Lewisville- June 18th
Luverne- May 5 & 6
Mankato (Spring) May 14, 15, &16 (Fall) September 16 & 17
Mountain Lake- May 14
New Ulm – June 3 &4
Northrup- (Martin Luther High School’s Semi- Annual Rummage Sale April 7, 8, &9th )
*** Saturday is $2/grocery bag day 🙂 🙂
Pipestone- May 6-7th
Trimont April 23, 24, & 25
Truman July 21-23
Sherburn- June 10& 11
Slayton- June 4
St. James- May 15 &1 6
Windom – June 4th
Worthington- April 30th
Worthington Achievement Center – May 13th- June 3rd
Monday-Saturday 11am-7pm
SE South Dakota
Brandon Rummages– May 5-7th
Harrisburg Rummage Sales – June 2nd- 4th
Salem, SD May 5-7
Sioux Falls –
Candle Light Acres- April 20th, 21st & 22nd Facebook Page Candle Light Acres Rummage Sale Website
Cinnamon Ridge Neighborhood- April 20-24
Heather Ridge & Twin Eagle Neighborhoods (May 5-7)
Leaders Addition Neighborhood Rummage – April 21, 22, & 23 Leaders Addition Neighborhood Rummage Facebook Event
Kingswood Rummage Sales – April 27,28,29 & 30 Facebook Page Kingswood Rummage Website
Prior Lake Hills- May 6-7
NW Iowa
Estherville April 27th-30th
Milford- June 22-24
Memorial Weekend- May 27th & 28th
Fourth of July Weekend July 1, 2, 3 & 4
Labor Day weekend September 2, 3, 4, & 5th
Rock Rapids- May 11-14
Sibley April 21-23
Sheldon April 14-16
Spencer April 29th & 30th
Spirit Lake
Memorial Weekend- May 27th & 28th
Fourth of July Weekend July 1, 2, 3 & 4
Labor Day weekend September 2, 3, 4, & 5th
Sioux Center April 20-23
If you have a Citywide or Neighborhood date that you would like added to the list,
Please leave a comment with the name and date of the sale or send me an email at mommieisntmadeofmoney@gmail.com .
Laura Baldwin says
atThat’s a great list! Thank you for all the work you put into our area.
rachealackermann says
atThanks Laura 🙂
Jude says
atDo you have the rummages for 2017 yet thanks!
rachealackermann says
atThanks for the great question Jude! I will have the 2017 rummage sales listed in a few months. Please check back here or on one of my social media channels.
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mommieisntmadeofmoney/
twitter: https://twitter.com/mommieisntmade
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mommieisntmadeofmoney/
Roberta pflugardt says
atHave the 2017 sales been posted yet?
rachealackermann says
atThanks for asking Roberta!
Here are the 2017 Sales I have so far Roberta. Enjoy 🙂