Preparing for my oldest daughter ( back in 2012) was easier said than done. I thought that if I read enough books and articles, watched enough movies, and listened to enough podcasts I would be more than prepared to be a mom. :/ But…. that wasn’t exactly the case. #hugthemess
One of the MANY things I worried/stressed over was the diaper bag… 5 years into parenthood (and 3 kids later) there are still alot of things that worry me… but the diaper bag has migrated to the bottom of the list.
The many different resources I read & listened to back in 2012, told me lists of 30+ things that I NEEDED to have in my diaper bag the minute my sweet baby arrived, plus convinced me I needed to have a back up bag (full of those same items also) in any vehicle we frequented.
I found the ADORABLE diaper bag I registered for on line (never saw face -to- face) didn’t provide enough space for the laundry list of item. Therefore I purchased a HUGE Backpack that was twice the size of the pack I carried in high school / college. Well.. that lasted a few months until I had to carry the mega diaper bag, along with my darling daughter, and all of the extra winter gear that a Minnesota winter requires. Then it was back to the drawing board…
When #2 came along I discovered I didn’t need certain item sometimes, could live without other things all together, and some things are a standard requirement ALL THE TIME. #hugthemess
I still occasionally carry a much larger and equipped bag with me (when we are at church, family gatherings, weddings, or anywhere I have to entertain my kids for longer than 20 minutes).
But for the other 90% of time I carry a small bag/backpack filled with 5 of my favorite diaper bag essentials.
5 Diaper Bag Essentials
5. Snacks! I strongly encourage packing enough to share (because someday you may need to call on a friend or family member to return the favor). Also trust me in my few years of experience try not to house anything in snacks in your diaper bag that may spoil. :/
4. Head gear- in SW Minnesota we go from frigid winters to hotter than hot summers, making stocking hats a necessity in the winter, and fun hats of all shapes and sizes important for the summer for my little fair completed babe’s head.
3. Extra Pants- We are on the brink of potty training my 2 year old. Therefore we need training pants (in case he feels inspired) Snug & Dry Diapers for both my two year old son and my 6 month old daughter. I LOVE the snug & dry diapers by Huggies because they offer fantastic quality at a great price (especially at our local Family Dollar.) It is no secret that I love saving money, and I love getting the great deal that I am able to when I take advantage of Family Dollars everyday low price, then add the smart coupons you are able to add into your savings using your smart phone/ device. Currently there is a $2 coupon all year long.
Also remember to pack extra clothes in case you are not able to spot clean whatever
Use this coupon for Family Dollar to get $2 off
2. Lotion – Diaper Lotion for the baby’s bottom, any dry patches they may have, or your own hands. I personally love throwing samples size containers to use/share or throw away when they are done.
1. Wipes! My absolute Favorite are Huggies One and Done wipes. They are gentle enough for your sweet baby’s bottom, but strong enough for the other 5,000 things you can use them for.
Plus, they are packaged in a way that ensures only one wipe comes out at a time, and that the rest of the unused wipes do not dry out. PERFECT for life !!! #hugthemess
Plus sometimes I even remember to pack my wallet that contains fun things like money, my id, library card and car keys. 😉
And that my friends, is everything that I carry in my mom bag (because I haven’t carried a legit diaper bag for a few years).
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