1. If you won’t be ordering the max amount of baskets (3),Team up with a friend or family members and order from the same account and so can split the fuel charge.
2. Use every thing you get in your basket.
-Check out websites like super cook , that give you recipes based off the ingredients you have on hand.
– If you have a stuffed fridge, counter space, cupboard, or busy schedule consider Freezing items.
– Give it away, if you don’t like it someone else may. I know that no one in our house is a fan of grapefruit, so I make sure to pass it on to my in-laws because I know they will use it.
– Check out Pinterest- I use it like Google, just type in what you are trying to use in the search bar and many different recipes etc. will be at your finger tips.
– Menu Plan- Planning ahead what you will have for snacks and meals saves both time and money and it also makes it easier to be deliberate about eating the foods that you get in your basket.
3. Can or freeze Add-on items. This option involves having freezer space and buying freezer bags, or purchasing the necessary equipment for canning if you do not have it already. But if you are serious about this option, it is worth it.
We already have a water bather, pressure canner, and all of the supplies that we would need for either method. Therefore, when great prices on items like pears or tomatoes are offered we are able to spend a little bit of time canning and have a tasty healthy items on hand, instead of spending money at the store getting these items.
4.Volunteer- Volunteer opportunities include helping prepare the baskets, breaking down boxes, assisting with the distribution, and packing up. When you volunteer you are able to get either 1 free large item or two small items (this may vary for dates and locations.) There is also a maximum of two people per account getting this perk.
5. Tell more people about Bountiful Baskets- The more people that get bountiful baskets, the better items we get and more we get of them.
6. Eat healthy at a fraction of the store price. Getting a basket is a great deal, and you are able to help others get a great deal. With the conventional produce offering you get approximately $50 worth of grocery store-quality produce, but you pay alot less than that.
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