Its that time again. It is Motherhood Monday.
I will be participating in Motherhood Monday. These posts during Motherhood Monday,are aimed at showing the realness of motherhood while showing how we’ve grown as mothers so that other moms can see themselves in us.
This weeks theme is Motherhood Mindfulness. I stared at the computer screen ALOT for this one. Check out my post along with the other contributors.
~This weeks contributors ~
Mindful: Adjective. Being conscious or aware of something.
Be conscious and aware of the fact that you are blessed beyond all measure.
This is hard. Being a mother makes being mindful hard. I often feel that I am consumed by my routine, never-ending to-do list, and problems X-Y-Z to remember that I AM BLESSED.
- Remember to start everyday with the awareness that IT IS A NEW DAY.
Yesterday was hard. Things may have gone wrong; things may have gone really wrong. But today is a brand new day that you are living for a reason. START NEW and START on a Fresh Slate.
- Remember you are too BLESSED to be STRESSED.
Remember a time when you prayed and dreamed to be an adult. Isn’t that funny now that you are an adult?!? Remember all of the little things you hoped, dreamed, and prayed for?? How many of those things do you have now? Home, Spouse, Children, Job, and the list could go on.. It is hard to remember what you have, but so easy to remember and point out what you don’t have.
I think we do forget very often that we spent half of our lives dreaming up the life we are currently living. Thanks for the reminder 🙂