Confession: sometimes I get lost in the land of toddlers and forget my two little miracles I call my daughter and son.
I forget the years of growing up playing dolls wanting and dreaming to be a mommy.
I forget the years of trying to conceive.
I forget the 20+ hours of delivery.
I forget the delivery from H***. That would make most people not want to have a 2nd child.
I forget the joy for finally getting to hold my precious daughter for the first time, after what seems like forever.
I forget the heartache of losing multiple babies I never got to meet.
I forget the joy I felt when I found out I was expecting my precious little rainbow baby.
I forget the amazing opportunity that I get to stay at home with my precious little ones and see first hand all of the firsts and new things as they unfold every single day.
But then I take a quick look around at all of the art projects, pictures, toys, books and memories and remember how blessed I am and thank God for my amazing Miracle of a Family.
I love KISS. And in India with so much house help it is easy to keep things simple. But of course half the life of mothers is dependent on what the kids are up to.
Planning to stick to KISS
You have a wonderful perspective. The magic of a family is that it’s so good that you sometimes forget the hardships it took to get there.
Such a sweet reflection. Another example of how God can bring goodness out of our struggles. Out of some struggles (labor! haha) he brings life! 😀
Thank you so much Manda
I love KISS. And in India with so much house help it is easy to keep things simple. But of course half the life of mothers is dependent on what the kids are up to.
Planning to stick to KISS