My husband’s grandma has told me many stories of a massive neighborhood garage sale in Sioux Falls, SD from the first time we met. She has told me stories of how she would go with all of the neighborhood women and bring wagons and garbage bags and fill both with great deals for all of her grandkids (yes it has been going on that long). I sat and listened politely for several years before I even looked into attending the sale. Then when I went the first time, I was hooked. I’ve spoken with several different people over the years who haven’t had as pleasant experience as I have, I wrote this post for them and all the first-timers.
1.Plan ahead-
Make a list of what you would like to get from clothes, toys, outdoor items, furniture, books, small appliances what you need to get what you want to get and what you would love to get. I always feel like I come home more accomplished when I go there with a specific goal in mind.
Check out the listings– on their online website before you go.
**People also list on Craigslist, Facebook, and several other online on the online website. But for this particular neighborhood rummage sale USE THE WEBSITE, they have been running the sale for 38 years so their website is WAY more user friendly and helpful than Craigslist or Facebook would/will ever be.
PRINT OFF The Listing Yes the list will be huge (shrink the margins & make the font smaller if you are paper ink conscious), but it will beat spending hours staring at your computer screen… (plus in past years they have a neat feature where you can narrow down the huge list of sales down to the day you want to attend and maybe a few things you are hoping to get.
**After printing off the listings, skim through the listing and find sale(s) that have multiple items you are interested in. There are MANY sales at Kingwood, with many similar items, I have found that it is best to first hit the sales that have a lot of what you are looking for and then go from there.
** The listings are continuously updated, added to, and changed until the sales start. Check back and check back often for the up-to-date listing for the Kingswood Rummage Sales.
** Also check out their Facebook page.
2.Dress Accordingly & in layers
In the Midwest, especially in the spring, the weather is never the same all day long… Try to check and see what the weather will be like also consider wearing a coat, sweatshirt, and short-sleeved shirt so you don’t have to freeze or sweat all day. I would also HIGHLY RECOMMEND wearing comfortable shoes, having an umbrella in the car is also a great idea.
3.Keep it at home
I am not trying to be a jerk, I am a stay at home mom, and bring my kids 99% of the places I go. I GET IT, it is hard and expensive to find someone to watch your kids. I am saying this for your own sanity. No matter what age they are (infant school age) it is an extra person to bring in and out of every sale, an extra body to keep track of, an extra person that found another item they JUST Can’t LIVE WITHOUT, just extra stress for your time garage/rummage Sales. For me this day is one of my breaks from my kids every year. A much-needed MOM Day.
This suggestion goes hand in hand with my above recommendation for bringing kids. Most people who would consider bringing a pet with to a garage sale, would likely consider their pet an additional child, don’t bring your pet with to the garage sale please. PLEASE.
Large Strollers/Wagons
In theory it seems like an AWESOME idea. Park the van, SUV, car or truck and then bust out the stroller or wagon walk from sale to sale using your tag-along as storage as you go. Except, it really ends up being a HUGE pain in the rear. I know from example. Last year, I was that annoying person that was dragging along their wagon stuffed with goodies that they picked up along the way. Which was nice in theory except, weather may not always cooperate, it didn’t fit in most garages, it didn’t fit on most driveway set ups and almost every sale someone tried to buy it.. REALLY ANNOYING (for EVERYONE.)
4.Bring a map paper or digital
At the Kingswood Rummage Sales they cover a HUGE territory, bring a map (or smart phone) for easy access to see exactly where the sales, food trucks, portable bathrooms, and so many of the extra features available during the Kingswood Rummage Sales are all located.
5.Keep record of last years must hit & must skip locations
With all of the sales available year to year, keep a record of the sale that you did really well at (got great deals, had yummy brownies J, had what you were looking for, were just fantastic in general) and ones you thought were not so good (overpriced, bad quality, and the list could go on.) TIME = MONEY what makes this sale worth going to instead of a second-hand store, consignment store or even Walmart.
6.Go with a friend or family member
Going in at least pairs makes the experience a lot easier to manage with one driving and one being the navigator.
7.Know your prices
This may seem odd… but I always keep Walmart as my price point. I NEVER pay for something used what I could get it for brand new at Walmart. My kids typically wear name brand, but if I can’t find a certain item I need at the price I want it for used at a garage sale, I’ll get it at Walmart.
2016 Listing of Citywide Garage & Rummage Sales for SW Minnesota, NW Iowa & SE South Dakota
2017 Listing of Citywide & Neighborhood Garage Sales in SW Minnesota, NW Iowa, & SE South Dakota.
My Garage & Rummage Sale Pinterst Board
kat says
atGreat tips!