Being a mother is one of the hardest yet rewarding things I have done to date (and I’ve ran several marathons). Prior to having kids, I feel like I had a false sense of reality and what being a mother and wife was like. Thank you Samantha Stevens & Carol Brady.
One of my favorite mommy reads, Celebrate Home: Encouragement and tips for a Stay-at-home Parents, said it best when they said “Samantha Stevens had a magic nose, Carol Brady had Alice, and neither of these women as far as TV audiences know, took any of their mothering responsibilities any more seriously than the plan they were making for their latest dinner party.” (Peters,p. 28) READ IT.
TV gives us many different unrealistic expectations: immaculate homes, thin figures, well behaved children, 5 course delicious meals on the table in no time, and endless time to complete the endless jobs we face every day. You became a mother to have kids and a family, not to be a Samantha Stevens or Carol Brady, remember that.
Here are 5 habits to help your Mindset
- Develop a routine- but don’t be afraid to change it up or have a total “routine free day”.
- Make lists of simple realistic achievable tasks, to help you, help yourself.
- KISS Keep it simple stupid- Batch Cooking, Menu Planning, Freezer meals and Amazon Prime… several simple things that make a HUGE difference in the long run. LOVE THEM ALL…….
- Know when to take a break. This break can come in many different degrees, Mom’s time out, Mommy & Me time, Family Time, date night, etc. I am always amazed at how refreshed I feel after a little break.
- Get a group of Mom friends. Because everyone needs someone to vent to, cry to or share a laugh at.
Did you enjoy my weekly installment as part of #motherhoodmondays ?
Check out these other mothers participating.
[Lisa W.]
[Amber Marie]
[Amber Joy]
[Lisa B.]
All excellent ideas!! As our routine gets a little more – well, routine… I’m finding that I have more brain space for the extras… like blogging, baking, calling grandparents… the little things that make motherhood feel a little less isolated and hectic 🙂
Agreed! In our house the “routine” might work one day, then thrown out the window for the next few days. Brain space such a great way to put it.. I definately need more of that one 🙂
Good tips for keeping a positive mindset!
Thanks Amber 🙂
omg yes to all of this!!! especially the mommy friends! i swear we are the only ones who get it!
AMEN to that @thecrunchymommy !!! Mine are such a blessing 🙂
A group of mom friends has been SO necessary for me to feel any shred of sanity. And some ‘Lisa’ time away from my lovely toddler (and husband)! And I agree, being a mom is wayyyyy harder than running a marathon 🙂
— Lisa | Naptime Chai