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Its that time again. School shopping.
Last year we left the house, left town, and ventured to the local super store and spent a super amount of money, only to be super stressed, and I was also super pregnant, shopping with a preschooler and a toddler.
So that made it super fun 🙁
This year, I am definitely not pregnant, but I always have my 3 kids by my sides, so I decided to plan a little ahead and beat the crowds and shop from home.
5 reasons I school shopped from home this year.
5. It keeps me on budget
Confession: If I don’t go shopping with a shopping list and/or budget, 9/10 times I will go over budget. Sad story. But shopping online helps me be accountable to my budget and from being sidetracked from other “oohh.. I need that shopping.”
4. It helps me keep my sanity.
Really, I give alot of props to parents that take their kids shopping. I get it, I get it more than you know. I take my kids everywhere with me to the salon, to meetings, to the grocery store, OBGYN, and the list could go on.. but some trips like school shopping can be minimized and prevented.
3. I can do it in my pj, while sipping coffee.
No drive, no shower, no traffic, no pressure.
No problem. 🙂
Instead of spending time traveling to the store, at the store, at the store next door, eating out, we can do fun things like playing outside, going to the pool, or just not stressed out.
2. I get access to FANTASTIC deals on great quality clothes.
Unfortunately, a majority of major kid’s clothing stores are an hour + from us, making it expensive from the get go, therefore being able to shop at places like Gymboree that offer great deals online in addition to their already great store deals I am sold. Great quality clothes at great prices while shopping at home = mom win. Shop Gymboree‘s Back to School Collection!
1. I (often) can do it quicker than my kids can pick out & agree on a movie to watch.
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