I know that I say this a lot, but I love saving money.
The easiest way I save money, is stocking up on commonly used items while they are on sale. I must admit that it took me YEARS to figure out that grocery & store sales run in cycles, meaning that certain things go on sale in certain months. To make these sale cycles even better, most coupons, and money saving aps (I’ll save that for another post) often run on the same cycle, helping you save even more on these products.
AMAZING right??
Example: BBQ/ Picnic Items often go on sale in May, July, & Late August/ Early September…. (around Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day.)
Right now any product relating to back to school tends to be on sale: school supplies, shoes, undergarments, clothes, and paper products. Which is nice for both parents and teachers.
What a game changer. I by no means am one of those people who hoard a stockpile somewhere in their house. I think stockpiling it is wasteful and frankly I don’t have the space in my home. I do have several bottles of ketchup, several boxes of Kleenex, and enough Scott Toilet toilet paper to last me through the winter.
PLUS, I LOVE taking into consideration and supporting brands that support our schools, with programs like Boxtops for Education.
What is box tops for education?
Boxtops for education has been around in schools since 1996. How it works: Schools collect the small “Boxtop for Education Labels” found on participating brands products, and turn them in to redeem them for; to purchase books, computers, playground equipment for anything in between. That Easy! Quality brands like Kleenex, Scott and Viva products making quality products giving back a portion to the community schools. Presently Walmart has a promotion going where they are offering DOUBLE BOXTOPS!!
In my past life, I was a teacher, and I understood how important all the products that Boxtops for Education are able to provide for schools through the generous donations of parents, community member’s, and family so schools are able to save a little money in their budget.
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